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Compact Monitoring Systems is a representative of the Finnish company VAISALA , known for its unique sensor technology. The Vaisale production program is divided into two groups, industrial measurements and meteorological equipment. Vaisala has a large selection of probes for measuring relative humidity, temperature and dew point. Depending on the place of application, we offer transmitters for installation in pipes, on the wall, for chambers and incubators, as well as hand-held devices. Vaisala has also developed its own mapping and validation system that, in combination with hygrometers, meets even the most stringent GxP standards. The world's leading pharmaceutical companies use this system to monitor data in their plants, clean rooms, warehouses, incubators, laboratories ...  

In addition to classic moisture meters, Vaisal also offers oil moisture meters, as well as dissolved gas meters in oil. Also, in addition to fixed transmitters for oil testing, portable hand-held devices are also available.

Vaisale's commitment to the environment has resulted in air quality transmitters as well as CO2 transmitters.

In addition to an extensive program for industrial applications, Vaisala also has meteorological equipment in its product range. The quality of their meteorological instruments is evidenced by the fact that they are represented at most of the world's airports, including all airports in Serbia and Montenegro. In addition to airport equipment, meteorological stations should also be mentioned. For many years, Vaisala has been supplying meteorological institutes around the world with its sounding stations. Travel stations with specialized Vaisal software represent a complete system with meteorological weather forecasting.


Vaisala, pored klasičnih merača vlage u ponudi ima i merače vlage u ulju, kao i merače rastvorenih gasova u ulju. Takođe, pored fiksnih transmitera za proveru ulja, u ponudi su i prenosni ručni uređaji.

Posvećenost Vaisale očuvanju životne sredine rezultiralo je transmiterima za proveru kvaliteta vazduha, kao i transmiterima za merenje CO2. Pored obimnog programa za industrijske aplikacije, Vaisala u svom opusu proizvoda ima i meteorološku opremu. O kvalitetu njihovih meteoroloških instrumenata govori i činjenica da su oni zastupljeni na većini svetskih aerodroma, uključujući i sve aerodrome u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Pored opreme za aerodrome treba pomenuti i meteorloške stanice. Vaisala dugi niz godina snabdeva meteorološke zavode širom sveta svojim stanicama za sondiranje. Putne stanice sa specijalizovanim Vaisalinim softverom predstavljaju kompletan sistem sa meteorološkim predviđanjem vremena.

For many years, we have been representing the world's top manufacturers of equipment for measurement, regulation and automation. In order to meet the requirements of our customers as much as possible, over time, with the increase in the number of companies we represent, we have expanded the scope of services.


Today we are able to offer the Western Balkans market high quality equipment, as well as engineering, installation and maintenance services.

In addition to Vaisal, we also represent the company's product range  SEKO ,  proMtec ,  mainstream MEASUREMENTS LTD  i  systec controls .

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Vaisala Authorization Letter

Izvod iz APR-a

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